Thursday 5 February 2009

180 Degree Rule

  1. Imagine that the scene you are filming is inside of a large circle. Now imagine that you have drawn a line through the center of the circle, dividing it in half. Always position your camera in the same half of the circle.

  2. Shoot reaction shots while keeping the 180-degree rule in mind. Place actors on or near the imaginary line and then shoot reverse angle reaction shots while keeping your camera on the same side of the line. The camera may be positioned almost directly on top of the line--but do not cross the line.

  3. Break the 180-degree rule to achieve a specific effect. Rules are made to be broken, but understand the screen dynamics of breaking the 180-degree rule before crossing the line. There are times when breaking the rule may be necessary to achieve your cinematic goal.

  4. Recognize that tracking shots and dolly shots, where the camera is in motion during the entire shot, are exceptions to the 180 degree rule because the audience crosses the line (in effect) along with the camera as the shot is made and so they are able to adjust for the change in screen direction.

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