Thursday 5 February 2009

Film Process

(Tues. 16th December)Our first attempt at shooting our film went accordingly, however when we had captured it on the editing software and began to watch it back, we noticed a few problems. These included: either the camera or computer had made the film blurry (more in other places) and the camera movements weren't smooth. The film seemed to be jumping making the flow of the film disrupted, which affected the overall piece. Even more, we discussed how "Simon's" outfit didn't look quite right but we rose above this by finding more suitable props for the character to wear. The next shooting of filming was more successful than the last, as we had another chance to re-think and improve our ideas (for shots and so on).

(Late December & Early January)
There was another more serious problem that arouse, a fatal error occured with the main pc we had our thriller filming on the hard drive malfunctioned cuasing us to lose a vast amount of filming. We attempted to retrieve the work we lost, but unfortunately our attempts were unsuccessful, consequently we had to start all of our work from the start, this included filming and editing. Although this put us behind, our teacher gave us an extension to complete our filming editing and the final evalution; this gave us the chance to improve our ideas and learn from our mistakes and hopefully using our experience create a better quality of film.

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